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Fitness Friday

Tips For Active Lifestyle From Kara Marshall

When it comes to improving our exercise and healthy eating habits there is never a deadline. 

The goal is to always improve our health and optimum fitness level by following an effective program.  

By utilizing helpful resources such as Dietitians of Canada, you can gain essential knowledge of which foods an active body requires, how much food is necessary, and what times are best to eat.

In our Q&A, Kara Marshall, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant whose work focuses on plant-based diets, blood glucose management, heart health, and sports performance.

She shares ways to improve healthy eating and training to run or walk a 10km distance.  

Q: What is the theme for National Nutrition Month in March, and what are some best ways to improve our eating habits? 

A: The theme for this year’s Nutrition Month is Ingredients for a Healthier Tomorrow.

The theme encompasses a variety of nutrition topics that range from food security to food literacy to food sovereignty to using food as a tool to support health and wellness. 

It emerged from the growing desire of registered dietitians to continue to work to influence the sustainability of food systems in Canada and across the globe. 

This year when we think about improving our eating habits, I would encourage Canadians to think more broadly. 

Instead of focusing on any single food or nutrient, think about how we approach food as a whole.

Is there something that we can do to help reduce our food footprint, increase our food skills, or improve access to healthful foods in our communities? 

Great changes include incorporating more plant based foods, supporting local producers, and leveling up your meal planning and preparation skills to reduce food waste.  

Q: For those training for a 10km, what would you suggest to properly fuel your body on the morning of the event?

A: Runners should eat balanced meals that contain whole food carbohydrates like fruits, whole grains, legumes and starchy vegetables for fuel, lean protein for muscle building and recovery, and lots of colour (think leafy vegetables) to boost overall health and wellness. 

They should also ensure that they are drinking plenty of fluid for hydration. 

 Q: For those who don’t eat breakfast what would you suggest?

A: I suggest that individuals space their meals evenly throughout the day with most of their energy consumed during their most active part of their day. 

If someone is sedentary in the morning and active in the afternoon or evening, skipping breakfast might not make a big difference. 

However, if they are active in the morning, skipping breakfast could compromise a workout or recovery. 

If you are not a breakfast eater but would like to become one, consider starting with a small meal like one slice of whole grain toast and peanut butter to help train your body to accept food in the morning.

Once your stomach gets used to having something in it you can gradually increase the food volume and variety. 

Q: What other resources can you offer?

A: If you have never been to do check it out!

They have great fruit and veggie focused recipes as well as a produce storage guide to help reduce food waste. 

Q: For more information on nutrition month?

A: For anyone looking for additional information about Nutrition Month, I would recommend that they check out Dietitians of Canada. 

There are great resources there including articles, recipes, and ways to connect with registered dietitians.   

Our Fitness Friday weekly feature is submitted and written by Christine Blanchette so please follow her on Twitter as well as her Run With It Youtube Channel.   

In this time of completely uncertainty both RunWithIt as well as Sportswave offer our thoughts to the people of Ukraine, their future and offer our prayers.


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