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Fitness Friday

Work Performance Coach Renato Zane Healthy Lifestyle

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Despite following a busy work schedule, Zane knows the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, something he does pretty much every day of his life. 

For those who own their own business, or entrepreneurs who tend to put in more working hours than most, Zane’s story on how he finds the time and motivation to stay active will be of particular interest. 

In our Q&A, he talks about the benefits reaped from exercising and eating healthy and his resulting positive outlook on life.

Q: What is the most essential element to keeping a positive outlook?

I exercise daily, I am working on improving my diet and losing some weight, I try to focus on positive activities and I seek the company of people who make me feel happier and reduce anxiety.

I usually do some light-to-medium-intensity cardio activities about four times a week. I like to walk, jog and ride a bike. 

I have some arthritis in my knees, so cycling in particular is great. I also try to fit in a few high intensity intervals every week. 

Recently, I’ve added calisthenics and some light weights twice a week. I used to play soccer, but with my travel schedule and knee issues, I instead enjoy hiking or riding my bike on the trails. I still occasionally sign up for a 10km run.

Q: How does staying fit help in other areas of your life?

The number one benefit of regular exercise is the positive feeling you get about yourself and your life.  

Getting that boost of energy and mood lift after a good workout is well worth the effort.  

But especially, as many studies have shown, being in reasonably good shape helps you stand up to the challenges and stresses of life with a stronger immune system, a better outlook and more resiliency.  

You sleep better.  You can think clearer and be more at peace and in control. You can be your best self when you step out the door or when you find yourself in a difficult situation. You tend to be nicer to others and more positive.  

When you’re fatigued or unhealthy, on the other hand, you are more likely to experience some fogginess or cognitive decline, feel more vulnerable, pessimistic and be more irascible.  

The difference is clearly noticeable.

Q:  What level of importance do you give to following a healthy diet?

Believe me, I have lots of room for improvement in this area. Nutrition is very important. 

Being Italian, I like the Mediterranean diet, which is normally a good thing, but I have an imbalance: I have trouble controlling my cravings for carbohydrates like pasta and bread.  

So I definitely have a daily challenge in cutting back on carbs, especially flour-based foods and starches like potatoes, and instead eating more protein and vegetables. 

When I have a good couple of disciplined days, with lots of vegetables and healthy proteins, 

I certainly feel the difference in terms of energy and positive mood.  When I indulge in too many carbs and sugars, I feel sluggish and unmotivated. 

Not to mention the guilty feelings that come with that.  I drink alcohol sparingly, about three drinks a week. And I absolutely love coffee.

Q: Can you share some other health tips?

When you are self-employed, it’s easy to be fully engrossed in your work, with all of its ups and downs and vulnerabilities, that you can forget to look after your well-being. Nutrition, exercise and positive social relationships often take a back seat to your activity as an entrepreneur.  

So I believe you have to make an effort to account for all your daily hours, to be aware of what you are doing with each part of your day and also how effectively you are spending your time. Awareness and consciousness is the key to everything.  

When you can understand and accept the things you can’t control, and focus instead on the things you can, then you can make some conscious decisions about staying healthy. 

It’s important to identify and reduce bad stressors as much as possible, as that kind of tension and anxiety is bad for both body and mind and leads to sickness.  

Positive stressors like exercise, hobbies or personal bucket list challenges should be in your life. They recharge your batteries.  

And of course getting good, regular sleep and eating well are essential, along with managing your schedule as best you can to make room for the things that matter to you and make you feel healthy.

Our Fitness Friday weekly feature is submitted and written by Christine Blanchette so please follow her on Twitter as well as her Run With It Youtube Channel.  


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