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The long term success rate of the standard dieting model is about 5%!( Hafekost et al 2013).
Simply said diets cause more problems than solutions.
When training and viewing player 3 day log reports from 15 – 17 yr old hockey players I see a great need for change but not by using the dieting formula.
The average kids need dramatic drops in sugar plain and simple, so spend 1 hour to go over a family’s caloric intake for 1 day and often many unnecessary calories will be from sugar.
Keeping insulin levels and glycemic index levels even is often achieved by simply eating more often and having far more vegetables in the daily meal plan.
Almost all of the players food logs are very deficient in the vegetable department.
Legume soup is easily a great supplement to meat as is chili. Great for helping athletes needing long term energy.
Insulin resistance makes people hungry and increases appetite.
Easy to spot holes in the food logs where kids sugar levels are high or low when many calories come from sugar.
66% of people dieting gain back the weight ( Mann 2007) and lost belly fat returns as well. One method you could try to combat this is by drinking detox water for a flat belly, in combination with some cardiovascular exercise.
Dieting is not successful so our suggestion is to eat more often and far more vegetables.
Mark O’Neill and Shelley Donald are both registered Trainers.
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.oneillconditioning.com