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Fitness Friday

Christine’s Top 5 Tips For Staying Active During The Holidays

Sticking to your fitness regime and eating healthy during  the holidays  is kind of like dreaming in technicolor; It doesn’t happen, for most anyway.  

There are too many distractions, and so much more self discipline is required to fit your workout into your busy schedule at the busiest time of year. It’s the onset of rum and eggnog season, for pity’s sake! 

The office party is about to happen, your in-laws are already in town, your favorite easy chair beckons you to take a load off your feet.  

And…IT’S COLD OUTSIDE!  But  there’s  more! Live sports and Christmas movies are on TV all day long during weekends, effectively holding you  captive.  

As Tiger Williams would say, “You’re done like dinner.”  And your hard earned fitness is about to go on hiatus.  Unless…

To enjoy the festivities while simultaneously taking care of your body  will take some careful planning and eating strategy. 

Here then, is my plan for keeping you from descending into the depths of eggnog induced fitness depravity, which is a term I coined myself,  and will hopefully convince you that ‘Everything in Moderation’ is the key to getting through the Holidays in good shape.

1. Set a realistic fitness goal around the Holidays, with consideration given to your increasingly hectic schedule. 

Even 15 minutes of activity is beneficial and better than no workout at all. 

This can be your tapering off period that will also allow you to rest and reset your batteries for the new year.  Looking ahead will inspire you to set new fitness goals.

2. Plan your training around your work and family gatherings. If possible, work out early, before going or use half of your lunch break to squeeze in a short workout. 

They all add up to a valuable deposit to your body ‘bank.’ Putting it your calendar is a great way to stay motivated, while a shorter workout time will take the pressure off from having to navigate through an intense full workout with lack of available time being a factor.

3. Stay positive despite not being able to do the full workout that day. Missing a workout is not a big deal, as long as they don’t add up to several consecutive workout days.  

If conditions are horrendous, find a stairwell that you can walk up briskly and down slowly.  This also helps mentally, knowing you did something for the body bank.

4. Eating healthy tip, moderation is the key when it comes to eating healthier. Suggestion, drink enough water to stay hydrated and take what you want from the chocolate box and don’t go back for seconds. 

Also, stay away from the food table to curb nibbling. In addition, before going for Christmas dinner eat some healthy snacks to help curb your appetite. 

I like to also eat off a smaller plate which helps me eat less.

5. Incorporating cross training will help with your exercise program ; trying a new activity could be the perfect recipe for improving your resolve.

During the Holidays, the key is to enjoy all that the Season offers while being mindful of bad eating habits slipping into your life. 

Then when New Year’s Day arrives, curious family, friends and workmates are going to want to know how you did it.  

Our Fitness Friday feature is submitted and written by Christine Blanchette so please follow her on Twitter as well as her Run With It Youtube Channel.

Happy Holidays everyone!  I’ll be back in 2023.


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