
What price Do You Put On Freedom?

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As we reflect on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day the older generation will remember those who gave their lives for us to enjoy living in a Free World, but they paid the price.

Sportswave official photographer Laird Allan and I share various stories reflecting on the military as well as his life in the RCMP and all are extremely positive, but that’s the way we were raised.

The cost in most cases was their life and given the fact that many just finished school, it was a different time and a different world.

Everyone respected each other, you NEVER heard any young person use profanity in public and you NEVER showed any form of disrespect to your Parents!

We went out early in the morning and returned when the sun went down and your Parents never had to worry about you being brought home by the Military Police.

Yes – Military Police as we grew up at CFB Trenton as Dad was in the RCAF and he hated the term Canadian Forces, only because he signed up to the RCAF.

First station was Fort Churchill, second was Trenton and the final base where Dad retired was Comox and say what you will our life was good.

Respect was something that was the “norm” and you never had to be asked twice to do anything and if the driveway had to be shoveled – you did it.

Life for Dad and his Family was not easy as his remaining Brothers would attest to and it’s interesting listening to our Uncles remember and share their memories with the Family.

For me personally, it’s hard to actually believe that young boy’s signed up to go to War as did my Dad.

I remember attending various parades at South Side in Trenton having to polish his Medals as well as put a “spit and shine” on his shoes.

To this day I have it instilled in me to make sure that shoes are polished remembering Mom saying “the first thing that you are remembered for is the shine on your shoes” and first impressions can’t be made twice.

I once asked Dad why he went to War and I remember him saying “I fought so my Family would have their freedom so they could have a life without issues such as they faced”.

Dad had the scars and the wounds to prove it and today’s young persons have a hard time understanding what Freedom means.

Scars, yes he was stabbed by a Bayonet through his upper muscle on his right arm, but he never let it stop him from doing anything as there was no such thing as “can’t do it.”

I remember back when I had the chance to visit Dad in London so took the opportunity to attend Remembrance Day with him in London and as much as I tried to be part of the conversation, it was Dad and the Vet’s that had their own unique way of talking, which I respected.

Mom passed away in 1998 and a while later Dad moved east to London Ontario and eventually married Vi, who treated Dad in the manner he was accustomed to remembering that this is the older generation.

I remember Mom and  Dad, then Vi and Dad walking down the street holding hands wondering why?

That was the way it was, even if you went out walking, the Man was on the outside nearest the road.

Dad passed away last year (2018) and as hard as it sounds – he would not talk about War – but rather other War vet’s that obviously understood what they all went through.

Thanks to Dad and the rest of the Vet’s that served so we could live in a free world!!

Earlier today Uncle Larry posted this on Facebook and it’s interesting to see “how sharp” his memory is, cause many don’t remember what they did yesterday.

Enjoy the read:

Our brother Carl took his Paratrooper training at the Army training Base in Manitoba called “Camp Shilo” near Brandon in the summer and Fall of 1944.

His Unit shipped over to England in Jan 1945 and took part in the Massive Para-Drop of Allied Paratroopers behind German Army Positions on the East side of the Rhine River on March 24th 1945 > he was a few months short of his 18th birthday > WOW!!!
Remember these were KIDS!!!!!

Enjoy the video – it’s exceptional!!!

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