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BC Ball Hockey SUSPENDED By National Body!!

Photo Credit VIBHL

Yesterday I posted part one of the letter that was sent out to us and since then I have had several calls as well as text messages from various individuals which led to an interesting conversation.

April 12th saw the Canadian Ball Hockey Association Board of Directors unanimously vote to suspend the BCBHA from full membership over allegations that include having a convicted sex offender as one of their directors.

We should also let you know that there has yet to be any response from the current BCBHA President, Mike Schweighardt.

A recent update is as follows:

If you’ve been involved in the game for some time you will know that one of their members was indeed charged with spiking women’s drinks and sexual assault.

The person charged is a long time BCBHA board member and Vice President of the Western Ball Hockey Association.  After his court appearance he was released on strict bail conditions which include:

  • Posting a $350,000 bond.
  • Reporting to the Vancouver police high-risk offender unit.
  • Not attending any bar or nightclub except for employment at the Station Square pub in Burnaby, as approved by his bail supervisor.

So here is the second part of the article that we received and from what I am hearing this is only the “tip of the ice berg” so we’ll keep you posted and updated.

Enjoy the read:


The Canadian Ball Hockey Association has gathered an egregious amount of evidence against the BC Ball Hockey Association, and suspended them while an investigation is launched.

They cited ***NINE*** ways in which the BCBHA is being alleged of serious wrongdoing.

Here’s the list:

1. Constitution/Bylaws Not Compliant with the B.C. Societies Act

2. Misrepresentation of Accreditation and Membership

3. Alleged Criminal Conviction & Alleged Sex Offender within Leadership 

4. Alleged Financial and Operational Irregularities

5. Lack Transparent AGM Governance & Conflict of Interest

6. Mismanagement of Adult League Sanctioning Rights and Unprofessional Conduct

7. Opaque & Misleading Minor Membership Application Process

8. Lack of Responsiveness to Stakeholders

9. Failure in Leadership and Ethical Compliance

I am writing this and including the email and the letter from the CBHA which I understand has not been getting forwarded to teams and players through some (or all) of the BCBHA board members.


The Canadian Ball Hockey Association is stepping up and standing up for the wellbeing of our sport and its players in BC.

(yea, i know, how often does that happen)

The CBHA has announced that provincials will happen. 

If your team wants to go to nationals, then they need to do it through the CBHA.

All leagues in BC must now insure directly through the CBHA and that’s the only way.


The people that are behind these NINE egregious and unethical violations are also, surprise surprise, the ones that are misrepresenting what the CBHA has announced, and/or what it means.

I’ve attached the actual email, letter from CBHA, Via Sport, and SPORT BC letters regarding these issues so you can read it all for yourself.


Apparently the BCBHA intends to ignore the suspension. 

Bully tactics are being used against individuals within the CBHA by the BCBHA. Apparently everyone has a lawyer these days that is waiting on the edge of their seats to sue anyone for speaking up publicly on this issue for defamation. Little news flash about defamation. It’s only defamation if it isn’t true. 

I hear that some members of the BCBHA board and a very small handful of their staff intend to fight this.

It sounds to me like they are claiming to be some vulnerable victims of some malicious conspiracy to make their lives difficult.

Well, let’s not forget what just happened with Hockey Canada and their corruption scandal. Unfortunately this is the same kind of thing. The culture of hockey has a problem.

The sport, whether it is with a puck or with a ball, is full of far too many people willing to look the other way when their friends break rules, and then break more rules covering up the rules they have already broken. 

Do you know what the honourable thing for a president to do when his organization is alleged of gross wrongdoing? If it isn’t resign, it should be to take a deep breath, acknowledge the concern, and investigate it.  That doesn’t appear to be happening here in BC with the BCBHA.

People have resigned from the BCBHA and the CBHA over this issue. But, both organizations remain entrenched in their position.

The BCBHA claim it’s no big deal, there’s nothing to see here, they will just continue with business as usual. However, the CBHA seems to have meant it when they issued their suspension on the basis of a tremendous amount of evidence. 

Which organization is right?

One wants a sweeping investigation. The other wants a rug.

I’ve seen far to much evidence to be uncelar.

The facts speak for themselves!!!


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