Given the concern of COVID-19 we reached out to get some first-hand information of it’s status given the fact that there is so much that has everyone asking questions.
It’s not just regarding sports, but shopping, family gatherings, social distancing including the New Year’s Eve Party, which we all know will be a “gong show” for the Province.
I received the following notice from to and the following is what she sent out for your reading.
Thanks again for sending this out for our readers as it’s appreciated very much, which was updated Thursday December 17th.
Dear Community Member
Doses of the first approved vaccine for COVID-19 have arrived in British Columbia and our province-wide COVID-19 immunization efforts have now begun.
Approximately 4,000 health-care workers will be immunized in the coming days to better protect the vulnerable seniors they care for from COVID-19. A registration and record system are in development, including a process to register for vaccine access and so people can receive a formal record of immunization. For more information, visit:
That we now have access to a safe and effective vaccine is no doubt exciting news for all who have suffered so much this year, but we must remain vigilant in our efforts to protect one another and keep our loved ones safe. COVID-19 is still present in our communities and we need to continue to follow all of the public health orders that are in effect this holiday season.
Online applications for the BC Recovery Benefit open tomorrow on Friday, December 18. Support will be available by phone starting Monday, December 21 at 1-833-882-0020, Monday to Friday (7:30am – 5pm).
— Bowinn Ma, MLA
North Vancouver-Lonsdal
? Masks are required in all indoor public settings, all retail stores, and in all shared work areas.
? People with health conditions or with physical, cognitive or mental impairments who cannot wear a mask are exempt.
? People who cannot wear a mask or who cannot put on or remove a mask on their own are exempt.
? Children under 12 years old are exempt.
? People who are working behind barriers on their own do not need to wear masks.
? Restaurant patrons may remove masks while seated.
? Violations may be subject to a $230 fine.
✅ Socialize with your immediate household only (ie. “core bubble”).
✅ For people who live alone, a core bubble is a maximum of two people you see regularly.
❌ Do not invite friends or extended family to your household.
❌ Do not gather outdoors.
❌ Do not gather in your backyard.
❌ Do not have play-dates for children.
❌ Do not gather at a restaurant or bar with people outside of your “core bubble”.
❌ No in-person events, with the exception of drive-in/drop-off events with COVID-19 Safety Plans.
✅ Funerals, weddings, and other ceremonies may take place with a maximum of 10 people in total.
❌ No receptions of any kind.
❌ No church, synagogue, or mosque services.
✅ Visit your place of worship for individual contemplation or personal prayer.
✅ AA meetings or other medical group sessions may continue.
✅ Parents may carpool kids to and from school.
✅ Grandparents may provide child care.
✅ Tutoring, housekeeping, repairs, maintenance, gardening, or other personal services like support from a care aide may continue.
✅ Go for a walk or run outside.
❌ Do not allow a walk or run to turn into a group of people meeting outside.
❌ No indoor and outdoor team sports for adults (19+).
❌ No high intensity group fitness activities such as: Hot yoga, spin classes, aerobics, boot-camp, circuit training, high intensity interval training (HIIT).
✅ Businesses, recreation centres or other organizations that organize or operate low intensity group fitness activities may now resume activities providing they follow updated Public Health Guidelines.
⚠️ Indoor and outdoor sports for youth (18 and under) may continue under viaSport’s Return to Sport Phase 2 guidance. This means games, tournaments and competitions are temporarily suspended for teams.
❌ No spectators at any indoor or outdoor sport activities.
❌ No inter-regional travel for sport activities.
✅ Rehabilitation or exercise therapy programs may continue.
✅ Individual workouts at gyms and pools may continue.
? Masks are required in all indoor public settings, all retail stores, and in all workplaces for shared work areas. Workers working on their own behind barriers do not need to wear masks.
⚠️ All businesses and worksites must conduct active daily screening of all on-site workers using their COVID-19 safety plans.
? Businesses that cannot maintain their plans will be shut down. WorkSafeBC will be enhancing its inspection presence.
? Employers should actively support working from home, if possible.