
Delta Supports Anti-Bullying Day

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Wednesday February 22nd saw the Corporation of Delta along with the School District host the 2017 Anti-Bullying day at Delta’s Sungod Arena.

The event was attended by all the grade 6 students in Delta from Tsw to North Delta as well as members of the community.

I had the privilege of talking to both Delta’s Police Chief, Neil Dubord and the Fire Chief, Dan Copeland and both have a passion for eliminating this from today’s society.

The event was billed as a fun-filled Anti-Bullying day in which students, teachers and numerous adults are encouraged to help end bullying in all forms.

Various mascots were on hand and the Delta Ice Hawk mascot as well as Acting Mayor Ian Paton who is also a strong promoter to eliminate this as well as everyone else, so let’s stand up and show our support for them.

In today’s world there is clearly far too much bullying and it’s not just on the street’s in your community, it’s on the sports fields, the arenas or the tennis courts.

Why – simply put over the years we have become an extremely selfish society and helping others isn’t in anyone’s vocabulary, apparently now or in the extreme future.

I see far too much abuse when I attend any sporting event and it even filters down to the local parking lot at your shopping centre.

Do we have too much time on our hands so as to ignore the likes and respect of others or is it simply that we have a “could care less society” and one has to ask when or will it ever change.

Watch the disrespect from Adult to Adult or better yet watch an over-sized bully pick on someone smaller than themselves, with no one intervening.

Delta’s Police and Fire Departments came out in force not for an entertaining game of “shinny” for the morning, but also as a means of educating today’s youth and hopefully they might get the message delivered earlier at the event.

The event went from community to community and small town BC to the larger cities in the Province, but it can’t stop there.

Let’s all make a point when you take in your next sporting event and watch who bullies who?

Chances are the youth have learned a valuable lesson, but the Adults are having a hard time grasping what it means and how to overcome it?

Thanks to the Corporation of Delta, the Delta Police and Fire Department for taking part as well as the School District for organizing this event.

Oh yea – let’s not forget the Volunteers who make it even better and bigger for the world!!

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