
Autism – It’s Only A Word

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We take our daily lives for granted and seldom look for ways in which we can help out mankind in a positive way, but this time of the year is special and as Adults we have to cherish it in a positive light.

Not everyone can run, jump, skip, throw a ball or play sports like they would like to, but everyone is worthy of having a chance and being given a chance to do what they want.

Respect comes in many forms and given today’s world we have far too much unrest throughout the world that needs to be addressed.

We might not be able to solve the worlds problems, but all anyone wants is to be treated with respect and the respect they truly deserve.

With the malls filled with Santa’s we see the kids leave full of joy, but what if there was that one person that feel’s uneasy and had a hidden secret.

Well here’s a story that’ll touch you heart and if doesn’t you deserve to be on the “naughty list”.

One such person was 6 year-old Landon Johnson who visited Santa in River Town Crossing Mall in Grandville with his Family.

During the visit Landon and his cousins took time talking to Santa, naturally telling his what they would like him to bring them for Christmas.

telling the man in red he wanted a Wii, a toy dinosaur and a remote control car, Landon hopped off Santa’s lap to rejoin his family.

A few moments later, he raced back to Santa’s side and mentioned that he had forgotten to tell him something very important.

His Mother Naomi posted a statement on Facebook about his meeting with Santa and explained “He wanted to tell [Santa] that he has autism and he was flapping his hands, all excited to let Santa know.

Landon shared his worry and concern with Santa that his autism would land him on the “naughty list.”

His mom told the local TV station that Landon is often told he’s “naughty” by people who mistake his autism with bad behavior.

As a young 6 year-old how would that make you feel, let alone his Parents, but we have individuals in today’s world that are cruel and mean-spirited.

Santa being Santa as his jolly old self sat next to Landon and too his hands in his and started rubbing them, calming them down.

Santa then asked him if it bothered him, having Autism, to which he said yes, sometimes, but Santa then told him it shouldn’t bother him to be who he is.”

He then proceeded to tell Santa that he sometimes “gets in trouble at school and it’s hard for people to understand that he has autism,” but that he’s “not a naughty boy.”

Santa continued to tell Landon the same message I’ve been trying to get through to him for a while now and that he’s special and I love him just the way he was made.

The Mothers Facebook post of the special encounter has gone viral and she says she’s been overwhelmed by the incredible support and words of encouragement she’s since received from strangers around the country.

Hopefully, this video offers encouragement for more parents across the country who have a child that has autism. Some may even notice the same sort of characteristics in their own child and, as a result, decide to register them for online counseling – click here for more info or a psychological assessment to help establish whether they have this disorder. This video has the ability to go a long way in helping others.

Thanks to ABC News for the video




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