
Mogul & Aerial Athletes Compete

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Targeted members of the Canadian Freestyle Ski Team are en route to Sochi, Russia to compete in Europa Cup mogul and aerial events on March 4 and 5.
The National Team normally limits itself to FIS World Cup level competition, but the organization couldn’t resist the opportunity to check out the 2014 Olympic courses.
Canada Freestyle CEO Peter Judge explained, “Part of our strategic line code heading into Olympic Games, or even World Championships, is to give our athletes every opportunity possible to become acclimatized to the physical and social environments of upcoming event locations, including the sights, smells and tastes.
“In the case of Sochi, the Europa Cup allows the team to get a sensory assimilation of the Russian venue and culture. Familiarity and comfort are key to good performance.
We experienced that with the home field advantage in Vancouver and that’s what we’re aiming for in Russia.” Judge added that Own the Podium and the Canadian Olympic Committee endorse and support Canada Freestyle’s philosophy. Some members of the Canadian team visited Sochi last year on a familiarization trip, but the Olympic courses were not built at that time.
This year, the athletes will actually compete at the 2014 sites. Canadian athletes attending the Sochi Europa Cup are as follows:
Justine Dufour-Lapointe (Montreal, Que.)
Audrey Robichaud (Quebec City, Que.)
Chloé Dufour-Lapointe (Montreal, Que.)
Maxime Dufour-Lapointe (Montreal, Que.)
Kristi Richards (Summerland, B.C.)
Alex Bilodeau (Rosemere, Que.)
Mikael Kingsbury (Deux-Montagnes, Que.)
Philippe Marquis (Quebec City, Que.)
Marc-Antoine Gagnon (Terrebonne, Que.)
Aerials Olivier Rochon (Gatineau, Que.)
Jean-Christophe Andre (Montreal , Que.)
Coaches and team medical staff will also attend, including team sports psychologist Dave Paskevich.
The Slopestyle and Halfpipe Teams will have their chance for familiarization next winter at the Sochi Olympic Freestyle test event.
The Sochi Europa Cup for aerials is on March 4; moguls is March 5.

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