
Loss Of A Star

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Sports in today’s world takes many twists and turns, some for the better, others no so with the loss of life for aspiring up and coming young athletes.

While I have been enjoying posting the YESTERYEAR videos for the sporting community, I came across one that involved a tribute game that saw the Canucks jump on board to help out the North Delta Hockey Community.

The event features a tribute game for young aspiring North Delta Minor Hockey player Clifford Wright who sadly lost his life.

It is the utmost respect that I post this as a tribute to a young man that lost his life far too early and is still dearly missed.

The Vancouver Canucks were approached to play in a charity game at Delta’s Sungod Arena that saw them come out in full force to support this cause.

Enjoy the look back in a “Tribute” video for Clifford Wright and remember what he meant to North Delta MHA, the community, but mostly his Family.\

North Delta Minor Hockey has set up the Clifford Wright Memorial Award which is handed out each season to players displaying the following:

  • The recipient must be a player from the Atom C house division
  • That the player demonstrates the following attributes.
  • * Exhibits considerable effort in hockey related activities
  • *May have attempted but failed to make it through the Rep level selection process
  • *Demonstrates a high level of achievement in the area of teamwork

NDMHA would like to congratulate Yashneil Gupta, Atom C3 on very well deserved award..

Thanks to everyone for taking part in this moving tribute game at Delta’s Sungod Arena.

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