
In Times Of Need

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This is the time of the year where we often hear of tragedy to Families and loved one’s that mean so much to us and rather than the holiday season be festive, for some it’s filled with sorrow.

This happens not just in our area, but quite often other town’s, cities or small villages around the world and if we as a society fail to understand that we need to come together for the betterment of the world, what legacy does that leave for your grandchildren or future generations?

Recently in the Charlotte NC area four children lost their homes due to fires in the area and they had no time to grab any possessions that belonged to them or something special they loved or cherished.

Regardless if it’s south of the 49th parallel, the Kevin Harvick Foundation that has it’s mission statement listed “to support programs that positively enrich the lives of children throughout the United States.

The program was established in 2010 by Kevin and his Wife DeLana  in a means to not only improve the quality of life, but to help underprivileged youth find and realize their dreams.

Kevin recently told the media at an event “There are many children who have dreams of becoming a race car driver, a policeman, a doctor or scientist, but don’t see a way to achieve those dreams and DeLana and I want to provide opportunities to children who might not realize their potential and give them the courage to pursue their dreams.”

This past week saw kids get their dreams come to life as members of two families went on a four-minute shopping spree with Kevin Harvick at Ollie’s Bargain Outlet in Matthews, North Carolina.

Kevin mentioned that it was hard to keep up with the children as they moved around the isles rather quick, but somehow he managed.

He and the foundation worked with the Fire Department to find a couple of Families to have a shopping spree to get whatever they wanted.

Siblings from two different families participated in the four-minute holiday shopping, which included 10 and 12-year-old Brother and Sister along with seven and 15-year-old Brother and Sister, who were joined by family members.

Helping families in particular who’ve been displaced by fire also holds a special place in Harvick’s heart since four years ago, his home was also severely damaged by fire.

Regardless of the individual who get’s the “big’ paycheck, quite often they reflect on what they have and give of their time quite freely to help other areas of society, such as this foundation.

So when you actually take a minute to reflect on what you have and what others don’t, giving makes the world a far better place for everyone.



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