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Amateur Sports

Cyber Bullying Kills

Regardless of what we think, it still happens at all schools, rinks as well as various sports locations. Reflect back and tell me if you would want this to happen to a loved on in your Family.
We hear about Bullying with the Miami Dolphins and how it has torn this team as well as the NFL apart. Some are in denial, others just say it won’t happen – but it does!
Remember this story and think of positive ways we can make changes? Maybe – just maybe we can takes all necessary steps to change this?
 This girl, her name is Amanda Todd. She posted a video on YouTube a few days ago. She was bullied so bad it led to suicide.
She was in a webcam chat group to meet up with new and old people. They started calling her Beautiful, Stunning… , cute, Etc. And then they asked her to flash… So she did…..Thinking it was nothing..
A year went by and some guy she did not know, messaged her saying ”Give me a ‘show’ or I will send your boobs.” She ignored it….. Christmas Break came and a knock came on her door at 4 AM. It was the police.
That person sent the picture to EVERYONE. Everyone judged her. Bullied her. From ONE MISTAKE.  She ended up switching schools. That person found out her school, friends, address once again and sent them there too. She had no one.  Everyone hated her.  She ended up switching towns.
Then at this new school….She met this boy who she thought liked her. He didn’t….he had a girlfriend. One day she got a note saying you better leave school.  She didn’t.
A group of boys and girls including that boy, the girlfriend and more came up to her while the school surrounded her. The girl said “Look around, No one likes you.” One kid from the group said “JUST PUNCH HER ALREADY!”
So she did, and Amanda got beat really bad. And got left.
Alone. And her dad ended up finding her in a ditch hours later. She went home and drank bleach, to try to kill herself.  It didn’t work.
The next day all over her Facebook page was written “Drink some more bleach”,  “No one cares”, “I hope she dies, “No one would cry”, “Everyone hates you”, “Amanda try it again we dare you”…and so much more.
She cried every night. Why did everyone hate her. One mistake. One. She started cutting so much and did drugs, and drank alcohol. She ended up trying to kill herself again.  She failed. She couldn’t take it anymore.
At the end of the video it said ”I am Amanda Todd. I just need someone.” October 10th she hung herself. She is dead. Rest in paradise, Amanda.
You’re beautiful. I will find a way to help stop bullying. I will share your story. Heaven gained an angel.



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