The more I watch this happen the more I wonder why we continue to have officials do the games.
They do it for the love of the game but when you have a moron like this clown do this his parents must be so very proud of their son.
I can only imagine and wonder what the court system will do to him and just maybe it’s time for all officials to wear body cameras for their own safety.
It would be nice to hear possibly on FB as to how Associations would deal with this situation and not at a local level, but also the Provincial level.
He’ll say he’s sorry and some “Judge” will forgive him and tell him to do community hours.
To say that I am upset and so extremely disappointed how the game has got to this level is very disheartening.
We all know the game has changed and we have to ask why has it taken such a drastic turn for the worse.
One has to think that it has to be about money and how their son is going to make it to the big league.
As much as I don’t want to say it, you have to put part of the blame on the NHL for the way in which they want their officials to overlook such flagrant rules that would otherwise be called.
Sure fighting has been a part of the game and will continue to be a “drawing card” for the fans but what about the obvious two handed slashing and punches to the head after a whistle.
The game won’t change until the NHL does a major marketing “blitz” on the rules that should be implemented.
Regardless this won’t be the last time this happens, but we can only hope that it is the last time.
Here is an update from the Seattle City Attorney’s Office:
They have officially charged Issac Cortes Gonzalez with two counts of fourth-degree assault.
That is a name worth remembering for everyone in amateur sports
Fourth-degree assault is a gross misdemeanor that typically comes with a penalty of up to 364 days in jail and an up to $5,000 fine.
This isn’t enough. A misdemeanor charge doesn’t erase the damage done, and it doesn’t stop this from happening again. A grown man physically attacked two kids, and the consequence is maybe a fine and less than a year in jail?
That’s nothing compared to the fear and trauma he’s inflicted—not just on those officials, but on every young ref who now has to wonder if they’re next.
We need to do more. Every rink, every association, every hockey community needs to take a stand.
Talk to your home rink. Make sure this man never steps foot in another hockey facility again.
If every rink in the country sends him a trespass notice, we send a message: this behavior is not welcome anywhere. If we don’t draw the line now, when will we?
A good read that started back East:
Beginning in November, every minor hockey association across the province received green arm bands. The bands will be distributed to all officials under the age of 18 to indicate they are a young person learning their craft.
Referee in Chief for Hockey Nova Scotia Rick Hill says studies show the number of officials leaving the sport because of the abuse they receive on and off the ice is alarming.
“Thirty per cent or more of officials quit after the first year, 50 percent are gone after year two and over 65 per cent are gone in year three and the main reason, when we talk to these people is it’s the abuse,” said Hill. “The abuse from the fans, the parents, the coaches on the ice.”
Hill says the hope is people will begin to understand the person making the call on the ice is developing their skills, just like the players.
The initiative was started in Quebec and has been up and running there and in Eastern Ontario for a couple of years. The Quebec minor hockey associations borrowed the idea from soccer and baseball leagues who were experiencing similar problems with abuse of their officials.
Hill says he’s been hearing stories of fans working to educate other fans when the green armbands are in place.
“We’ve been told stories where another fan will come up to them and say, do you not see the green armband, do you know what that means? And a conversation will take place and now somebody else has been educated on what it is,” said Hill. “It’s just something we’re hoping is going twig their personality and the way they act and maybe they’ll just cut back. They’ll realize, holy cow, what am I doing? This person is new to the job and here I am treating him like he’s an adult and been officiating for years.”
Hockey Nova Scotia is fully embracing the initiative, going as far as to double the suspension for any team or coach found to be abusing on-ice officials.
Last year, around 900 officials were registered with Hockey Nova Scotia and Hill is hoping to see all of them and more return.
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