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Vancouver Canadian’s Media Day

Photo Credit D. Laird Allan/Sportswave

The day finally arrived that we have been waiting for since the last out in last season’s game and given the time away from the Nat media day is a welcome to summer.

Returning to the C’s for their second full season is North Delta’s  Manager Brent Lavallee  ass well as ticket seller boss Steve Maisey back for yet another season.

It’s always great to catch up with media members but for main-stream media on this day once again it was only Steve Ewen, Jay Janower, Trevor with Global TV, Kyomi Guscott  along with Sportswave media such as myself and Laird.

Two North Delta guys in front of Steve’s Vancouver Canadian Broadcasting Hall of Fame plaque.

I managed to have a quick chat with Brent Lavallee about the upcoming season as well as having him return for season two, which he is thrilled about and jumped at the chance to return.

In discussion his return was imminent and going to another team was never in the conversation, which his parents were “happy as punch” to see him return.

We asked Brent about having Mississauga’s Ashley Stephenson as a coach with the team and he mentioned “It’s awesome, cause she’s a coach, a teacher, a developer and has tons of experience on the International level, high school level for baseball,  hockey it doesn’t really matter.”

We chatted with her as well and it’s interesting to note that her Favourite motto is “Great moments are born out of great opportunity, closely followed by  I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul!”

He continued to say “Regardless of level a coach is a coach and  it doesn’t matter where you come from cause she will be a big help and they’re excited to have her with them.”

To be successful at any level of any sport you need a positive attitude which she has and this alone will be contagious for everyone around her.

The goal for the Canadians is to win games and get them to the Major Leagues and win for the Toronto Blue Jays, however they are wearing Vancouver Canadians uniforms so they will do what they have to for a winning season.

As you can imagine during the day, it’s a development during the day so they attack their goals and their plan and focus on getting them one step closer to playing for the Blue Jays and the first pitch is thrown it’s about winning.

Given that some of the players have never experienced weather like Vancovuer the question arose of how to prepare them for the cold weather.

Brent mentioned “It’s like we tell them if you want to play Double AA it’s even colder in New Hampshire and AAA is even colder in Buffalo and if you want to play in the AL East it’s not warm in any of those places for the same amount of time.”

I for one can say that for Brent having him  return to the City he grew up watching the C’s he’s thrilled and so glad to return.

Vancouver Canadians Asst. General Manager Stephanie Ellis and Tyler Zickel, Broadcasting and Media Relations 

Broadcast, media relations and also play by play Tyler Zickle returns for another season and he’s excited to return for another season despite the weather with the team welcoming a lot of  familiar faces back to the Nat.

Let’s not forget that the Suchi race will return, the dancing grounds crew  and the fans love the chicken dance, but overall it’s about the baseball

Media day concludes for another season and now it’s PLAY BALL!!!!


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