
“Tune-Up Time”

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I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the and ‘why’ it means so much to me; and if in the mean time I get you moving more – then bonus!

It all began 16 years ago with an energetic team of 12, consisting of 3 generations, Family and Friends who formed a team to participate in The Relay for a Friend, which then became Relay for Life.

We formed the team for our friend Peggy and eventually became known as The Pegasauruses.

Peggy is our teams first cancer survivor and we would wash cars, sell hot dogs, hold yard sales, bottle drives and did what it took to raise funds.

We were driven to raise money as more and more lives were being affected by the vicious disease known as Cancer.

A short 13 years ago the Pegasauruses took on The Run for Life, which is a 5km run or walk that includes a 1km run for kids 12 and under.

This event is a fun, Family event with all monies raised going to the  Canadian Cancer Society or BCCCPA is the BC Childhood Cancer Parents Association.

The later is in honour of Megan McNeil who lost her life far too soon and one who loved life to it’s fullest.

APRIL 12TH is the date to circle on your calendar and plan on attending at Delta’s Sungod Arena with the registration set for 7:45 followed by the warm-up at 8:45.

North Deltas Relay for Life is May 30th at the North Delta track at the high school.

The event hit’s the pavement at 9 am!! SPORTSWAVE SUPPORTS THIS EVENT!!!

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