
The Queen – The Olympic Torch – A Streaker

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The Olympic Torch was officially carried into the castle by 74-year-old torchbearer Gina Macgregor, who told the British Broadcasting Corporation that the Queen was extremely interested in knowing more about how the torch actually worked.

Macgregor then managed to pass the torch to a young 12-year-old Phil Wells who was waiting and thrilled to be a part of this prestigious event at the Castle.

Thousands waited outside of the Castle to try to catch a glimpse of the torch, but only a few actually saw it. Olympic Rower Sir Steve Redgrave rowed the torch down the Thames river earlier in the day, before it got to the Thames.

There waiting was a young male streaker  who had a message written on his back and managed to run across the path of the torch as it was going through Henley.

Thames Valley Police report that “a 27-year-old man from Henley has been arrested on suspicion of outraging public decency and is custody.”

A total of 8,000 people will carry the flame during its 8,000 mile, 70-day journey to the opening ceremony on July 27.

Kind or reminds me of the song by Ray Stevens – “The Streak – DON’T LOOK ETHEL”!!!

Sooner or later it had to happen?

What a great world we live in??

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