
Public Health Order

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In keeping with our commitment to the community I recently received this and wanted to share in light of the on-going COVID-19 outbreak.

Feel free to pass on to your Family and Friends.

Dear Community Member 

We have seen a notable spike in the number of new cases, especially amongst those 19 to 39 years of age.

We must all continue to wash our hands, keep our distance from others, and follow Dr. Bonnie Henry’s rules until everyone has been protected with immunization.

BC’s vaccine rollout is speeding up and a new partnership will employ more than 1,400 tourism and hospitality workers to work in mass vaccination clinics. Seniors born in 1947 or earlier and Indigenous people born in 1966 or earlier may call now to schedule their appointments.

I will issue another bulletin with more information when bookings for younger age groups become available.

People deemed to be Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) will receive a letter in the mail by April 15 that allows them to call to book their early vaccination appointment.

Long-term care home and assisted living facility staff and residents are now benefiting from the additional layer of protection offered by immunization.

Visitation rules at long-term care and assisted living facilities are therefore easing on April 1, 2021.

Public health order variances have been issued to allow religious worship services to proceed in a limited fashion.

Services must be in compliance with the rules laid out in the public health order (indoor; outdoor) and people must not gather or socially engage before, during, or after the service.

All other indoor gatherings and events continue to be banned. The fine for attending an event or indoor social gathering has been raised to $575; hosts can be fined up to $2,300.

Bowinn Ma, MLA

North Vancouver-Lonsdale

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