
Long Time Supporter

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Photo Credit THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

As one might expect the theme in today’s world should be compassion, giving and saving lives for everyone, not just part of our society.

Sportswave reporter Bruce Nolte has been a long time Blood Donor dating back to the late 70ties and realistically speaking it’s great to hear that the number of donors are up in Canada, but only has to ask “why did it take a National Epidemic to get individuals to realize the shortage” to get on board and realize the importance of this on-going pressing situation. 

For someone speaking on the importance of the vital need for this extremely important product that saves lives when all it costs anyone is their time. 

The Canadian Red Cross operated from 1946 to 1997 as the National Blood Supply system in Canada to provide Canadians with the life stream of this important resource of saving lives. 

At that time it was transferred over to the Canadian Blood Services to which he (Bruce) has seen  various changes that have taken place, all of which have been positive.  

Bruce has been donating since 1974, long before the “baby boomers” were even born and it was  when he was in high school and knew the importance of any given situation if it was for a newborn baby or elective surgery for emergency surgeries such as heart surgery for patients the need to give is always there. 

Bruce has just recently donated his 201 contribution through this Covid-19 period April 27th knowing the reasons about what my donation means.

While there he took the time to ask a few  nurses as to why it took a national and world disaster to change people’s views as to why they switch now to become a donor? 

The’re response was staggering, tell me “that of the new numbers 60-70 percent were first time new donors of young people coming forward and decided the importance of their donations and the contribution of saving lives.” 

For whatever  reason Bruce was pleased that Canada as a Nation finally woke up to this important cause and contributed to this important matter of saving lives.

After talking to the staff that work so hard in getting blood transfusions from the many thousands of regular donors across BC and the rest of Canada they only hope this trend will continue. 

To the dedicated hard workers throughout Canada, we at Sportswave appreciate all you do and can only offer words of THANK YOU!!!

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