Let Your Voice Be Heard
As the Federal Election winds down and in only a few hours we will know what Party will hold power in Ottawa and who the newly elected PM will be we want to leave you with one final article.
Given all the questions of late that no one really wanted to ask – Sportswave reached out and was granted the interview from Judy, which we appreciated.
Regardless of which party you vote for – “PLEASE VOTE”
Jody Wilson Raybould was first elected to the Government of Canada in 2015 as a Federal Liberal MP.
She is currently the sitting member for the riding of Vancouver Granville and was the first Aborignal Minister of Justice named to a Federal Cabinet in the role of the Attorney General named by Prime Minister Justin Treadeau.
She (Jody Wilson-Raybould) is commonly known by the initials JWR and joined the Liberal Party and was elected on their platform four years ago serving as Minister of Justice and Attorney General.
A short while later she was given what some consider a lesser Portfolio as the Minister of Veterans Affairs of Canada after taking a firm stand to the Liberal Caucus before resigning from the Liberal Party February 12th 2019.
As a sitting Independent mMember of Parliament (MP) she is currently heading into the Election and sincerely wishes and wants to run on a clean slate and be an honest politician serving her riding.
Heading into the electoral vote she is running on a clean slate this time and wants to take “Voice to Ottawa” for the good of the Constituency of Vancouver Granville.
She is running an independent platform after she took a stance Prime Minister Treadeau’s “Bullying Tactics” on an important legal battle that involved the SNC in which many claim that she was doing what is expected of the Ministry by bringing the company to justice for “breaking the laws in this country.”
Justin Treadeau and his office tried to run interference as the SNC were possibly on the verge of being charged criminally and convicted of bribery charges.
We know the rest of the story and what the Government tried to do to he that eventually resulted in her demotion to her cabinet post.
She grew up Indigenous on Vancouver Island, with a father engrossed in native politics, famous activist grandmothers and aunts, and a mother, Sandra Wilson, who taught Jody and her Sister Kory the meaning of “unconditional love.”
Now they love each other that way and she mentions “My sister and I are very close. ”Wilson-Raybould’s parents lived apart but Kory and her spent several years with their mother in a two-bedroom apartment in Victoria.
Though they were far from deprived, money was tight. In order to give both her daughters rooms of their own, Jody’s mother slept in a bed in the living room.
Jody Wilson-Raybould is a descendant of the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk and Laich-Kwil-Tach Peoples which is part of the Kwakwaka’wakw known as the Kwak’wala-speaking peoples, which ironically carries the name Puglaas which translates to “Women Born To Noble People.”
She is the Daughter of Bill Wilson; First Nations Chief and Politician and Lawyer and Sandra Wilson; a white Canadian teacher.
Her Mother (Sandra) was on Canadian National Television in 1983 and was one of two daughters born at Vancouver General Hospital.
She was raised by her Mother on Vancouver Island and attended Robert Scott Elementary School in Port Hardy on Northern Vancouver Island.
Her mother taught her at Highland Secondary School in Comox BC where she was fortunate to graduate with high honors.
Judy liked math and history as a student, her favourite subject was physical education. A gifted athlete, Jody swam competitively for nine years.
As she moved through Robb Road Middle School, and then Highland Senior Secondary in Comox, the Indigenous kid who “spoke up” for herself and could be “mischievous” made a big impression on two of her teachers.
At Robb Road, her physical education teacher was Bill Green and it’s mentioned that he saw more in Jody than a budding athlete, encouraging her to focus her energy and talents on new things like public speaking.
Later, at Highland, Tim McKinnon continued the nurturing and he is the one credited for nudging he (Jody) into drama.
She went on and studied at the University of Victoria and received her Bachelor of Arts Degree and went on to study law at the University Faculty of Law.
She is married November 29th, 2008 to Dr. Tim Raybould a First Nations consultant, lobbyist and social anthropologist.
Her career includes that of a Crown Prosecutor (2000-2003), on the BC Treaty Commission, We WaiKai Council and the BC Assembly of First Nations.
She has also been a constant volunteer while in Federal Politics and was nominated and voted in the 2015 Election, carrying the Liberal party nomination.
She was named Minister of Justice and Attorney General as well as holding the Minister of Veterans Affairs Department in 2019 as well as governing or seeing over the SNC- Lavalin scandal affair which she was ruled in her favor by the Ethics Commissioners report in 2019.
She wants to be “Your Voice” in Ottawa and serve with dignity for the Constituents of the riding of Vancouver Granville for a second term.
She can be contacted via Email at Jody.Wilson [email protected] for any wishes to contact her phone 604-717-1140 or by fax 604-717-1144.
It’s interesting to note that of the seven candidates running in Delta the “big three” parties made no attempt to contact us for an interview.
Judy was the one exception and we sincerely thank her for her time!!