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Amateur Sports

“KidSport” Helping Kids!!

Photo Credit Jim Kinnear

We continue to hear about the Olympics and what they mean to the country they will be held in, but at what cost must we continue to throw money around to promote select athletes who get the best training.

Money talks and if you’re a parent of a sports individual you clearly know what part of your yearly budget you have to set aside for your son or daughter to play. 

In some, but not all cases the sport they wish to play is one that was picked or chosen by one of his/her parents, but this is not the case for all young athletes.

Parents pay and support their children and want only what’s best for them, but what about the youngsters who are not able to play because of family situations which mainly involves money when it comes to sport.

One organization that helps offset the cost is “KidSport” which has a fully confidential application process which provides grants between $250 – $500 which helps parents cover equipment and registration and costs. 

The program is a success for those who are in need of such a program and due to it’s confidential process no family has to feel ashamed to apply, which not only helps financially, but mentally as well. 

All funds raised by “KidSport” in your community stays in your community rather than help other areas, which has merit both ways.

In Delta alone “KidSport” last year helped 202 kids alone and if needed are  more than willing to help more in the upcoming year.

In April 2018 Kevin Adlem and I had the privilege to cover the “KidSport Gala” for Eastlink TV which was held at Tsawwassen Springs for a fundraiser all to benefit Delta.

The event was extremely well attended by individuals such as former Canuck goaltender Kirk McLean  Chris Burns (former CFL player), Bobby Singh and Paul McCallum both retired BC Lions.

A good friend of mine and a person whom I have had the privilege to work with over the past years is Carlene Lewall is the “Chairperson” and has a solid group of five (5) Directors working with her to help grow the program.

Over the years I have had the luxury to offer assistance as an official in the minor level of sport and see young persons sitting on the side-lines who have a look of “how much they would love to play, but couldn’t.”

Of course that was in the past, but as times change so must society to become more involved to develop not only better citizens, but also possible future Olympic Athletes representing their community.

That alone has a feeling of being proud that you not only helped out, but also possibly changed the life of a young person for the better.

We have far too much unrest in today’s world and the sooner we can help change this, the better place the world will be for not only today’s youngsters, but future generations to come.

Let’s all get on board and support  “KidSport” in your community.


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