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Delta City Council Greenlights Youth Hub Initiative

Photo Credit Delta Police

In all communities working with the youth can be an on-going process noting that some areas require more attention than others.

At a recent City of Delta Council meeting Police Chief Neil Dubord along with Delta PD Public Affairs Manager James Sandberg put forward a proposal to council which was accepted.

The following is a recent press release from the Delta Police.

Enjoy the read:

On July 8, 2024, the Delta Police Department (DPD), a member of Delta’s Youth Action Team (YAT), presented a report to Delta Council advocating for the creation of a “Made for Delta Youth Hub.”

Delta’s Child Youth Committee (CYC), a collaborative group comprising of government, non-profit, and other partners, is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of local youth. YAT operates as a division of the CYC.

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In early 2023, YAT organized research focused on youth service needs in Delta, aiming to pinpoint gaps and improve service delivery efficiency. 

Research included, in part, service reviews, parent and youth surveys, and input from a youth advisory panel.  

Photo Credit Delta Police

The research led to the recommendation of establishing a “Made for Delta Youth Hub” as a service delivery model.

The City Council approved the following recommendations at the July 8 meeting:

  1. THAT Delta Council approve the establishment of a Delta Youth Hub.
  2. THAT the Youth Hub be established in the “Changes” space at the North Delta Recreation Centre, initially operating one day per week. Approval is granted to expand operations up to three days per week as community demand grows. The Delta Police Department will hold the license agreement for this space during the first year.
  3. THAT a comprehensive report be presented to the Council after the first year of implementation to assess the Youth Hub’s progress and impact.
  4. THAT the Report by the Police Department dated June 24, 2024 regarding
    “A Made For Delta Youth Hub” be forwarded to the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Member of Parliament, Delta, the Honourable Ravi Kahlon, MLA for Delta North, and Ian Paton, MLA for Delta South.

Chief Neil Dubord expressed his appreciation for reaching this milestone: “We are grateful for the work done to get to the approval stage for a youth hub in Delta. 

We look forward to the next steps in solidifying the services and opening the door to provide a much-needed wrap-around approach to youth health and wellness in Delta.”

Mayor George V. Harvie stated, “I want to thank the Delta Police Department, City staff and community partners for their hard work and collaboration in developing the Delta Youth Hub proposal. 

Providing a dedicated space at the North Delta Recreation Centre is crucial in supporting our youth. The challenges in accessing local services are real and no youth should have to travel for hours outside of Delta to access help. 

As a Council, we understand the importance of providing a safe and accessible environment with coordinated services tailored to the needs of our young community members. 

I look forward to seeing the progress and positive impact of the Delta Youth Hub over the next year.”


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