Amateur Sports

Canada Ranks 4th Overall

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Canada ranked fifth on Saturday in the thematic team standings and remains fourth overall after three of four events at the FINA World Trophy synchronized swimming competition.

This is the 7th edition of the FINA World Trophy, the most spectacular competition in the synchronized swimming international calendar.

The performances are judged solely on artistic merit and the athletes are allowed to use original costumes and accessories.

China was first in the thematic team with 96.338 points, Japan second at 95.838, Ukraine third at 94.563, Mexico fourth at 94.188 and the Canadians followed at 93.863.In the thematic team competition the Canadians performed a routine called Circus.

That was the same routine as the one performed at the Olympics although Saturday’s was shorter and included props and costumes.

The Canadian swimmers were Geneviève Bélanger of Laval, Camille Bowness of Beaconsfield, Que., Gabrielle Cardinal of St-Lambert, Que., Sandy Gill of Coquitlam, B.C., Emilia Kopcik of Surrey, B.C., Rebecca Maule of Guelph, Ont., Lisa Mikelberg of Hampstead, Que., and Marie-Lou Morin of Westmount,, Que.“

We put on a great show,” said Bélanger.  ‘’We had a lot of accessories and the crowd was very impressed.

Considering we only had 10 weeks to prepare for this competition we were very satisfied. ’Overall, China is first at 287.251, Japan second at 283.851, Ukraine third at 283.376 and Canada fourth at 279.726.

Competition ends with the team combo event.  ‘’The girls are very positive for the combo,’’ said Bélanger.  ‘’We want to go out there and compete to the maximum.’’

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