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Aussies Dominate Canada 4-0

Photo Credit Canada Soccer

Ask anyone and you’ll get a one word answer  which is “shock” as all of the Canadian supporters will tell you while others simply say they were unprepared from the outset.

Say what you will, soccer in Canada seems to be on a merry go round given the turmoil considering that they had their funding pulled that saw the team facing off against the former President.

Fair to say that Soccer Canada as well as Nick Bontis that seemed to have their support of the Women’s team somewhere on the sidelines without any real concern of the Women’s program.

Soccer in Canada continues to grow and while you might not be a fan of all the antics from various players many who could never play lacrosse, hockey or real football; namely CFL.

Earlier in the year Canada Soccer was requested to give their copy of its  agreement with Canadian Soccer Business to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.

They did get a copy which dated back to January 2018 of Canada Soccer’s board minutes noting that Federal NDP MP Peter Julian had requested Canada Soccer to provide board minutes back to 2017 “ to try to resolve what happened with Canada Soccer.

To no surprise and being treated fair and equal the Canadian women are wanting the same backing that the men received prior to playing in Qatar. 

Ask anyone and they will tell you that Canada Soccer should open its books which also include its deal with Canadian Soccer Business telling us why cuts were made to both the men’s and women’s programs.

Entering the 2023 Women’s World Cup you have to remember that Canada are still Olympic Gold  Champions from the 2021 Tokyo games defeating all oncomers.

The Women’s program has by far had more hype than the men’s program going back some time and rightfully so they deserve to be treated professional.

Sad to say it seemed that Canada Soccer seemed to feel that they won Gold rather than the team competing and this isn’t the first nor will it be the last time that a governing body thinks they are better than the game.

If you think this isn’t the case have a look at the controversy that has followed Hockey Canada and the amount of funding that they have lost which was their own doing and is on the rebuild starting at the grass roots.

Regardless of where you play the first pair of matches Down saw Canada underachieve considering that they were held to a nil-nil tie by Nigeria after Christine Sinclair got fancy on a penalty. 

Before they knew it they were down 1-mil to a tough Irish team, but managed to fight to pull out the 2-1 win in a match that had many at home wondering how this happened.

Conceivably should have advanced to the Round of 16 even if they managed to get a draw against Australia, but if you watched some turned it off at the half feeling the worse. 

The match itself was awful to watch mainly in the back which at times looked confused and looked as if some of the key players were along for the ride not having any counter attack for the Assies or the Matildas as they are called.

Say what you will, everyone can and will point fingers and in conversation with some they mentioned that they felt Bev Priestman never had her team prepared for a game of such magnitude.

It will be interesting to see if Christine has played her last match and it was her last match maybe she should help out with coaching and development after all who know the game better than she does?


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