Amateur Sports

Application’ Now Open

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The BC Games Society invites Provincial Sport Organizations to apply to be part of the 2016 BC Winter or BC Summer Games.

Guided by the Core Sport Policy, sport organizations who are not currently part of the BC Games are being given the opportunity to demonstrate how the Games would fit into their sport development plans and how the Games would be used as an integral part of athlete, coach, and officials’ development models.

The BC Games are an entry point to the performance pathway and are high profile competitive opportunities for Provincial Sport Organizations to incorporate into their Long Term Athlete/Player Development model.

The competition at the Games is generally in the higher end of the Learning to Train or lower end of the Training to Train stage for each sport.

Key principles for inclusion in the Games include province-wide participation, gender equity among participants (athletes, coaches, officials), competitive opportunities for athletes with a disability where the same level of opportunity for the same caliber of athletes is not available in other Games in BC, and are generally a one-time opportunity for all participants (a possible two-time experience for athletes with a disability).
The BC Winter and BC Summer Games are at maximum capacity for sports and participants.

Organizations applying to be included in the BC Games will have their application evaluated in comparison to the criteria (in the Core Sport application).

In addition to sports in the current BC Summer or BC Winter Games that meet the requirements to be included in the next BC Games.

Application Process Please review the Core Sport Policy and Application materials online.  T

he deadline for applications is February 14, 2014.


The Sport Package for the 2016 BC Winter Games will be announced in the summer of 2014 and for the BC Summer Games in late 2014.

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