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Sport Analytics

Analytics in American Sports – The Change

Author Ika

The main task of sports analytics is to collect data. Statistics and historical information are a great source of knowledge to coaches, physiotherapists, and other team members.

In addition, it allows a whole new perspective to sports journalists, sports competition directors, and other markets that are closely related to sports.

On the global level, the sports analytics market is evolving and growing. The expected rate of growth from 2021 to 2028 is 21.3% that would be 2,442.6 million USD. Analytics is applying mathematical and statistical principles to various sports.

Sports Data is an Essential Factor in Various Industries

In football, sports analytics are easily visible while watching the football game on TV.

For one player, you can see numbers for goals, assists, cartons, SPG, PS%.

In addition, you can see players’ characteristics like speed and accuracy. For example, when a player hits or misses a goal, sports analytics can easily make track and angle of the ball and different variables according to movement on terrain.

What can regular people, sports fans do with all available and easily accessible sports analytics data? With an estimated number of 300 million esports viewers in 2023. watching sports is one of the biggest hobbies in the world.

Making fantasy league and sports betting are two activities that sports fans can use analytics for their predictions. If you want to test your sports knowledge, you can go over at Betsafe Canada to how your predictions stack up against theirs. 

Statistics showed that 19% of 18+ Americans are active in fantasy sports and the same percentage of 18+ adults in America do sports betting for fun.

The gaming industry is one of the biggest and fastest in the world. Sports data allows making games based on accurate analytics.

Football, basketball, F1 formula, and other sports use factual information to create characters naturally and game preferences to provide a unique user experience to their players.

Even sports games have built-in mathematical algorithms that can measure speed and accuracy in real-time.

Features like that make gaming even more exciting and realistic. Video game titles as Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, Tour de France 2021, MLB Show 21, FIFA 21 are most expected in the fantasy sports world this year.

SuperBowl and Sports Analytics

An average of 96.4 million viewers of SuperBowl is data that is also part of sports analytics and is very important while determining the schedule of commercials during SuperBowl.

The number of commercials, type of commercials, music, meals, and snacks are chosen based on available data from previous sports events. Around 15.5 billion USD gets spent on food and other stuff that is related to Super Bowl.

Sports analytics is a relatively new addition to marketing segmentation, but it is giving excellent results.

Advanced insight in sports is constantly evolving and making sports fan user experience better and better every year.

We can only sit and wait to see new improvements in sports analytics in the professional world of sports, gaming, and other industries connected to the sports world.


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