Amateur Sports

2024 Canada West Hall Of Fame

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Photo Credit Canada West

Recognition is something that very few for whatever reason get not so much at an early age but sad to say when they are no longer with us to cherish what it means not only to the individual but their families.

We were recently told via e-mail from Canada West and the University of Calgary Dinos of the induction to the Canada West Hall of Fame to Dr. Lou Goodwin in the Builders category into the Canada West Hall of Fame’s Class of 2023-24, honouring a visionary leader who made a profound impact on both organizations.

Thanks to Canada West for the info and Congratulations to Dr. Goodwin.

Enjoy the read:

Dr. Goodwin’s induction in the builder category recognizes the leadership he displayed during his time at the University of Calgary, as well as the instrumental role he played in founding the Western Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Association, a forerunner of the modern-day Canada West.

He is the fourth member of the CW Hall of Fame’s Class of 2023-24 to be announced, joining an impressive list that includes Jessica Kaczowka (Athlete – SFU Women’s Basketball), Kathy Preston (Athlete – Manitoba Women’s Volleyball), the 1988-91 Alberta Pandas Gymnastics dynasty and the 1977-85 Manitoba Bisons Men’s Volleyball dynasty.

Additional members of the CW Hall of Fame’s Class of 2023-24 will be announced in the coming weeks.

Dr. Lou Goodwin joins the Canada West Hall of Fame Class of 2023-24, recognizing his leadership at the University of Calgary and the instrumental role he played in founding the Western Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Association, a forerunner of the modern-day Canada West. ​

Dr. Goodwin competed in a variety of sports as a youth and continued his passion for athletics into his teaching career. 

Photo Credit Canada West

After teaching at two Calgary high schools, he joined the University of Calgary where he taught classes and coached the Men’s and Women’s Volleyball and Basketball Teams.

He became Director of the School of Physical Education in 1959, serving in the role through 1965 when he became the first Dean and was a founding member of the Faculty of Physical Education. Dr. Goodwin served in that position until he retired in 1978.

Known as “Dr. Lou” to students and staff, he was instrumental in the formation of the WCIAA, serving as both President and Secretary.

His list of accomplishments and accolades is long and impressive, including being named Calgary Sportsman of the Year in 1977. 

He was inducted into the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame in 1980 and the Dinos Hall of Fame in 1995.

Despite his passing in January of 1997, Dr. Goodwin’s passionate support of university sport leaves behind a legacy that has impacted thousands of Canada West student-athletes to this day.

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