New Partnership With Inside Golf
As you put away the sports “tools”, it’s time to bring out the clubs and that is what British Columbia Golf has done.
An agreement announced today between Inside Golf and British Columbia Golf formalizes a long-standing relationship and extends it into the digital realm of websites, electronic newsletter and mobile applications.
Inside Golf was able to meet these needs with the development of a responsive site that automatically identify the size of a site visitor’s screen or monitor (e.g. desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile) and then responds by reformatting to optimize the viewing experience.
This new standard for website design is set to go live on March 28 using British Columbia Golf’s existing URL address .
The four year publishing partnership will also see Inside Golf be responsible for the sale of advertising to appear on both the site and in the e-newsletters sent out to approximately 40,000 opt-in subscribers.
Inside Golf Inc. President Jeff Sutherland explains, “Our company has been developing the idea of strategic partnerships with golf industry associations for the past five years.
Based on success with the Western Canada Turfgrass Association we took the idea to British Columbia Golf last fall.
Our revenue-sharing approach meshed with the direction the association wanted to go and both parties have been working on the launch ever since.”
While Inside Golf will handle the publishing and technical aspects, British Columbia Golf will provide most content and maintain all editorial control.
“The intent here is to continue the information oriented nature of the existing site as well as add in relevant news and travel stories,” confirms Jonasson.
Inside Golf’s own website will soon be adapted to match the design chosen by British Columbia Golf. “By utilizing a common website model, both Inside Golf and British Columbia Golf can offer up-to-date news and information to their specific golf consumer community.
From an advertiser point-of-view, this means for the first time regional and international advertisers can successfully execute time-sensitive, golfer-focused campaigns initially in the BC market.” says Sutherland.
For more information / interview opportunities, please contact Kris Jonasson ( [email protected]) or Jeff Sutherland ([email protected]).
Sportswave wishes them all the best and welcome another successful season of Golf in BC.