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Ever heard of a sport and have to ask yourself “what the devil is that” and if so you certainly are the only one.

A new sport that has crept up on the horizon is that of Pickleball, which is a racquet sport that is a combination of table tennis, badminton and tennis.

The history of the sport dates back to the mid 60ties and was a pastime sport for young children, but other reports indicate that it was started in the summer of 1965 in Washington State on Bainbridge Island at (apparently) the home of former State Representative Joel Pritchard.

It can be played with two, three or even four players that use paddles made of wood or composite materials that has the competitors required to hit a perforated polymer ball, which is somewhat similar to a wiffle ball that must go over the net.

It’s a sport that uses the dimensions and layout to that of a badminton court, but the net and rules are similar to tennis.

The court is not unlike a doubles badminton court with the size being 20 feet by 44 feet, while the net is hung 36 inches at either end and 34 inches in the middle or centre.

Service is by an underhand stroke hitting the ball below the waist, with the server hitting behind the baseline aiming diagonally to his opponent’s zone or side.

Now we are hearing that the Surrey Pickleball Club is hosting an event that could include 190 participants, who will compete on 12 courts and will be played at the South Surrey Rec Centre running September 9th-10th.

The club is hoping that this could be an annual event, but at present is a milestone for those putting the events on.

The club has hosted various other events, but this is the first one to be a sanctioned event, which basically means it meets all event standards for both Canada and the United States Pickleball Association.

Did you know that there was and is a Pickleball Association in Delta?

Check out the link!!!

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