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How Digital Technology Is Changing Sports

Photo Credit Pixabay

Sportswave is committed to helping sports enthusiasts grow as well as advance their sport of choice and in today’s world change continues to evolve.

In the past we saw coaches with stop watches timing players in various drills watching from the sidelines hoping that their direction would be better assist the athlete.

Over the past years, not just the teaching has evolved, but also the world of technology and like it or not today’s coaches either change or get pushed to the sidelines with others taking over.

The world has made vast changes for not just the players, but also the officials in all leagues, but not so much at the minor house level of the game.

As parents we can only hope that the individuals teaching your son or daughter has not just the understanding but also the knowledge to help grow your child.

There is no question that this can be expensive for parents, so rather than simply jumping into one person or group who are fast talkers, do you due diligence and check them out – it’ll pay dividends.

I had the following article forwarded to Sportswave feel it’s a good read for the sports enthusiasts.

Enjoy the read:

Decades ago, people had only three options to enjoy their favorite sports. It was either to be at the stadium in person, watch it on television or listen to a live radio broadcast. 

Currently, sports content and its public consumption no longer depend strictly on the three mentioned above. 

The introduction of digital technologies in sports has simplified content, peaked consumption and sustained interest. 

Perhaps, this is why Canada has recorded a 50% increase in mobile app merchandise, a significant number of which is sports-related content. 

Below are three ways technology and digitization have impacted the sports industry.

  1. Getting closer to the action and expanding reach

Sports enthusiasts who cannot go to the stadium vouch for these digital technologies because they allow them to follow live scores and stream via the internet, among other digital options.

Fans feel like a part of their favorite games when they can monitor these sporting activities on reliable digital platforms. 

In recent years, Motorsport games can be enjoyed on virtual reality platforms. 

This gives fans an opportunity to have firsthand experience of their games even without being physically there. 

For example, if you are a hockey fan, you may want to subscribe to hockey podcasts or download the club’s mobile app to feel closer to the game and get relevant updates. 

Meanwhile, the showbiz side of these sporting activities elevates the game even further.

Indeed, with the introduction of digital technologies, there has been tremendous demand for real-time insight into players – especially regarding how they get ready before crucial tournaments. 

For example, the introduction of Snapchat stories from the dressing rooms of various teams gives fans a glimpse at the behind-the-scenes. 

On another front, it is an extra engagement layer to satisfy fans’ curiosity about their favorite teams and clubs.

  1. Improving the performance of sports officials

One thing that immediately comes to mind is video technology. In soccer, for instance, VAR became a thing when the Premier League season used it for the first time on June 1, 2020. 

This technology aided referees and other officials in accurately reading and gaining deeper insight into on-field action.

VAR has become the electronic pair of eyes to accurately judge games and players’ actions.

The whole point is that video technology has provided that much-needed platform to improve fair play. 

It is worth mentioning that the multi-angled video playback system has helped read games more accurately. 

For many fans, this provides assurance and peace of mind knowing they are privy to what ensued during play and rule out foul play. 

Currently, it has transcended soccer and can be seen being used in hockey, baseball, tennis, cricket, basketball, etc. 

  1. Player stat monitoring and analytics

If you have ever wondered how sports journalists and commentators quickly put together individual player stats and analytics, it is thanks to digital technologies. 

This is probably one of the most difficult parts of sports commentary involving the racking of the brain to come up with numbers and stats during a game. 

Today, technology makes it possible for sports analysts to break up the individual performances of the players. 

The simplification of this task helps fans, clubs and sports management to monitor their respective players.


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Sportswave Productions is located in Delta, BC.
Sportswave promotes/broadcasts Amateur Sports within the Lower Mainland.
He was recognized by Ravi Kahlon, BC’s MLA Minister for Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation in September 11, 2017.
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